Monday, February 28, 2011

mia siput liar

I am fasHi0n!
name: mia
description: dia cinta mati sama fesyen! aww! clap 2x!!! she's rock!

I AM FASHION - it's all about people i met around me. who love fashion and addicted to fashion! (bhahahaha just like me!) 

jealous say: "eee! perasan artis la tuh! eeeiiiuuu! ko ingat ko cantik?!
me: "so?!"

So guys... i know we are not artist. but we also can, want, love to be beautifull!
ignore them! and say "hahaha daaaa!!!i smell jealousy here!!!!"
sounds gedik kan? tapi siapa kisah? just be yourself okay! ho0rey!

GG note: 
damn! i really need digital camera! so that 
i can take pitcha around me who is really daring to face fashion! 
"hye! boleh amik gambar x!? awak nampak cantik sio0tt dengan baju tu! plisss...!!!"

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