Monday, February 28, 2011

mia siput liar

I am fasHi0n!
name: mia
description: dia cinta mati sama fesyen! aww! clap 2x!!! she's rock!

I AM FASHION - it's all about people i met around me. who love fashion and addicted to fashion! (bhahahaha just like me!) 

jealous say: "eee! perasan artis la tuh! eeeiiiuuu! ko ingat ko cantik?!
me: "so?!"

So guys... i know we are not artist. but we also can, want, love to be beautifull!
ignore them! and say "hahaha daaaa!!!i smell jealousy here!!!!"
sounds gedik kan? tapi siapa kisah? just be yourself okay! ho0rey!

GG note: 
damn! i really need digital camera! so that 
i can take pitcha around me who is really daring to face fashion! 
"hye! boleh amik gambar x!? awak nampak cantik sio0tt dengan baju tu! plisss...!!!"

diana rikasari

SuraT kABo FasHi0nItA

she's cute and creative!
diana ada banyak idea tentang fesyen.
blog dia tak membosankan, trust me you won't!
i love to read her blog so much!

So ladies click to her blogspot ( i already link below)to inspire you more about fashion!

her blog! (below)

GG note: i hope diana don't mind (^_^)

gedik gedik 1

people: "Bundle?!!" 
me: "why not? okay what!!!"

BL 021101
Size: Fit for S-L
Price for left: RM 15

BL 021102
Size: Fit for S-L
Price for right: RM 15


BL 021103Size: Fit for S-L
Price for left: RM 15

BL 021104Size: Fit for S-L
Price for right: RM 15

BL 021105Size: Fit for S-M
Price: RM 15

BL 021106Size: Fit for S-XL
Price: RM 15

BL 021107Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 15

BL 021108Size: Fit for S-L
Price for left: RM 15

BL 021109Size: Fit for S-L
Price for right: RM 15

BL 021110Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 15

BL 021111Size: Fit for S-M
Price: RM 15

BL 021112Size: Fit for S-M
Price: RM 15

BL 021113
Size: Fit for S-M
Price: RM 15

GG note: as you know this is bundle and preloved items... 
tapi masih dalam keadaan baik (^_^)

Scene 3

kalah membeli menang memakai!

picture from: google

sepatu 1

Girls!!! it's 10% discount!

NS 021101
Size: 7-8
 Price before: RM 38

NOW: RM 34!!!

NS 021102
Size: 6-7
Price before: RM 48
NOW: RM 44!!!

NS 021103
Size: 7-8
Price before: RM 48

NOW: RM 44!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

v0lume 1

Bundle and our preloved clothes!

Sale yaw! 
1 for RM 5.99

3 for RM 15!!!!

BT 021101
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021102
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021103
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021104
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021105
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99
BT 021106
Size: Free Size
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021107
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021108
Size: Fit for S and M

BT 021109
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021110
Size: Fit for Sand M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021111
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

close look:

BT 021112
Size: Fir for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021113
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021114
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

close look:

close look:

BT 021115
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021116
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

close look:

BT 021117
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021118
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

BT 021119
Size: Fit for S-L
Price: RM 5.99

close look:

BT 021120
Size: Fit for S and M
Price: RM 5.99

GG note: Thanks for those whose support us! (^_^)

Take a n0te

i will upload all the bundle stuff so0n.
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